
Ultragenda Missive Setup

Missive Notifications

For some reason Missive does not handle emails that we send to clients regarding their appointments well. I have previously spent hours on this and have spent a considerable time today (11/6/24) trying to find an easy solution.

The new process

All Thornbury appointments, and change in appointments, are now labelled through GMail's labelling system which can handle missives output.

Anything requiring Ultragenda input will be labelled as such.

When you have added an appointment to Ultragenda, just remove the label.

You will also find it useful to add a new section in your missive folder list.

Click on more

Then choose contacts for PBALtd

Then choose Ultragenda under PBA IT

This will give you a label with all the Ultragenda labelled messages in.

Grab hold of the Ultragenda label bar by clicking and holding and move it up to above the team boxes.

At the top you will find a New Section Bar

Drop the Ultragenda Label bar into the Blue New Section Area

And Label it

Then you will see your favourites section with the Ultragenda Bar within

See the next  bit on processing

    Peter Byrom is an Audiologist and Hearing Aid Dispenser who specialises in a range of Audiology & Hearing Aid Dispensing services. Based in Sheffield he covers all of South Yorkshire including Chesterfield, Barnsley, and Rotherham. He is qualified with a Masters in Science (MSc) Advanced Practice and has over 25 years NHS (latterly as adult clinical lead) and 15 years private sector experience. He is registered with the Registration Council for Clinical Physiologists (RCCP) and the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). His aim is to provide the best Audiology Service available to you.

    Our Clinics
    • Peter Byrom Audiology
      Thornbury Hospital
      312 Fulwood Road
      Sheffield S10 3BR
    • Peter Byrom Audiology
      12 Causeway Head Road Dore
      Sheffield S17 3DT
      0114 419 1800