Tinnitus Sound Therapy
Sound Therapy helps you manage your Tinnitus by using external sounds to mask or distract your internal noise.
Sound Therapy can be a helpful tool in managing your Tinnitus symptoms and improving overall wellbeing, by giving your brain something else to focus on, reducing the perception of the tinnitus sounds.
Although not a cure for Tinnitus, sound therapy is an effective way of reducing the negative impact of tinnitus on your life and wellbeing. An alternative to Lenire therapy, It works by incorporating background sounds or music into your routine to help manage the perception of tinnitus.
How Does Sound Therapy Work?
Sound Therapy by Masking
Imagine you're in a quiet room, and your ears are more sensitive to the tinnitus sounds.
Sound therapy introduces a gentle background noise, like soft music or nature sounds, to "mask" or cover up the tinnitus.
It's like putting on music to drown out traffic noise outside.
Sound Therapy by Distraction
It is possible to distract your brain from the tinnitus by providing it with more pleasant or neutral sounds.
This can include calming music, white noise, or even specialised tinnitus relief sounds that are designed to be soothing.
Sound Therapy by Habituation
Over time, your brain can learn to ignore the tinnitus sounds through repeated exposure to other sounds.
It's like getting used to background noises in a busy street, or living near a railway line – at first, the sounds might bother you, but eventually, your brain filters them out.
Book an appointment with one of our team, who will be happy to evaluate your Tinnitus and advise you on the best treatment for you, whether Sound or Lenire Therapy.
Call now on 0114 419 1800 .
Here are some practical ways to integrate sound therapy into your daily life:
A white noise machine or a fan works well in quiet environments such as your bedroom, office or study area – it is especially useful when you're going to sleep.
Use nature sound apps or recordings of calming sounds (ocean waves, rain, birdsong) during activities where you need focus or relaxation.
- Play these sounds while working, reading, or doing other tasks to create a soothing atmosphere.
Create playlists of your favourite music or calming tunes that you find enjoyable and listen at a comfortable volume through headphones or earbuds, especially in situations where you may notice your tinnitus more (e.g., in a quiet room).
Hearing Aids with built-in sound therapy features can be very effective if you have hearing loss alongside tinnitus and can be customised for you.
- Book an appointment with one of the Peter Byrom team to discuss how a hearing aid could help you.
Mindful Listening can be effective, where you pay attention to environmental sounds around you, such as the rustling of leaves, distant traffic, or other ambient noises to help shift your focus away from the tinnitus sounds.
By tailoring your work environment, you create the right mindset for focused work time which can be enhanced by the chatter of colleagues (if they’re not too noisy!) or a background of gentle sounds of music or nature.
Different masks and distractions work for different people, so experiment with different sounds and techniques to discover what provides the most relief and comfort for you.
If you would like to chat through your Tinnitus and how to manage it with one of the Peter Byrom team, we’re more than happy to help. It’s what we do!
Book an appointment with one of our team, who will be happy to evaluate your Tinnitus and advise you on the best treatment for you, whether Sound or Lenire Therapy.
Call now on 0114 419 1800 .
Our Clinics
Byrom Audiology
Thornbury Hospital
312 Fulwood Road
Sheffield S10 3BR -
Byrom Audiology
12 Causeway Head Road Dore
Sheffield S17 3DT
0114 419 1800 - support-team@peterbyrom.co.uk